France and Belgium suspend sales of iPhone 12 over radiation concerns. Both countries have said they are investigating whether the iPhone 12 exceeds radiation exposure limits

France and Belgium have suspended sales of the iPhone 12 over concerns that the phone may exceed radiation exposure limits. Both countries have said they are investigating the matter. The suspension of sales comes after a French laboratory found that the iPhone 12 emits more radiofrequency (RF) radiation than other smartphones on the market. The laboratory said that the iPhone 12's RF radiation levels were above the limits set by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Apple has denied that the iPhone 12 exceeds radiation exposure limits. The company said that its phones are tested and certified to comply with all applicable safety regulations. The suspension of sales in France and Belgium is a major blow to Apple. The iPhone 12 is one of the company's most popular smartphones, and it is a major source of revenue. It is unclear how long the suspension of sales will last. Both France and Belgium have said that they will continue to investigate the matter and take further action if necessary. What does this mean for iPhone 12 owners? For iPhone 12 owners in France and Belgium, the suspension of sales means that they will not be able to buy new phones or replace their current phones. However, they can still use their existing iPhones. Apple has said that it is working with the French and Belgian authorities to address their concerns. The company has also said that it is providing customers with information about RF radiation and how to reduce their exposure. It is important to note that there is no evidence that the iPhone 12 poses a health risk. The ICNIRP has set strict limits on RF radiation exposure, and the iPhone 12's RF radiation levels are well below these limits. However, the suspension of sales in France and Belgium is a reminder that there is still some uncertainty about the health effects of RF radiation exposure. It is important to be aware of the risks and to take steps to reduce your exposure, such as using a hands-free headset when talking on your phone.
